4 Types Of Conditions That Can Perhaps Be Treated With Maxillofacial Surgery?

4 Types Of Conditions That Can Perhaps Be Treated With Maxillofacial Surgery?

4 Types Of Conditions That Can Perhaps Be Treated With Maxillofacial Surgery?

A dental surgeon with advanced training does maxillofacial surgery. A wide range of maxillofacial treatments can cure illnesses, repair injuries, and address deformities in your face, jaw, or mouth. As with any procedure, there are dangers associated with maxillofacial surgery. However, the operations help many people relieve discomfort, correct abnormalities, and regain function. Dental surgeons in Barrackpore may conduct maxillofacial surgery to treat a wide array of conditions such as –


Oral Reconstruction Surgery:

Trauma can cause disfigurement of the jaw and affect the facial features. Traumatic incidents can affect your bones, soft tissues, muscles and teeth. Through maxillofacial surgery, surgeons in Barrackpore try to correct the traumatic injury and help restore the function of the jaw and mouth. Thereby, they can use a variety of surgical methods such as bone grafting, dental implants, and more.


Jaw Abnormalities:

Jaw abnormalities can severely affect our day-to-day life. Problems such as misalignment or temporomandibular joint disorder (TJD) are some jaw abnormalities that can affect the jaw. Problems with jaw alignment can not only affect your facial features but also your overall health. A misaligned jaw or TJD can present further physiological problems such as chronic headaches, sleep apnoea and many more. A dental surgeon in Barrackpore conducts this maxillofacial surgery to rectify this misalignment of the jaw and tries to rectify it. 


Oral Cancer:

Cancer cells and tumours can occur in and around your mouth and put your life under threat. This deadly disease is merciless when not intervened at an early stage with the right kind of treatment. With oral cancer, maxillofacial surgery can be one of the answers to target and treat the disease. The dental surgeon uses this maxillofacial surgery to remove the part or tumour that is cancerous. The surgeon can also remove some benign tumours and cysts from the mouth, neck and around the region. However, depending on the condition and stage of cancer, the doctor may recommend further treatment to fully control the dangerous growth of this disease.


Congenital Conditions: 

As mentioned the scope of maxillofacial surgery is vast. From being used to remove cancerous tumours to treat several congenital conditions. Congenital conditions of the mouth such as cleft lip or cleft palate are some of the examples. Surgeons performing maxillofacial surgery in Barrackpore hospitals can help you get relief from your congenital mouth disorder.


These are some of the conditions which can be treated through maxillofacial surgery. The dental surgeon in the Barrackpore facility will recommend you undergo this surgical treatment as needed. Since it can be an intrusive surgery with complications and a longer recovery period, you should consult with a physician well before undergoing it.